A body is an excellence of bones 
A union  of skin
And breathing mishaps.

I burn my father’s prayers in a heap of hemp, & marijuana. I, vagabond because the wind will not leave me. The road ahead is a forbidden way leading to a discotheque for lost boys. […]

what tethers me to you are the umbilical cords/ spiral of our descent/ the rites of passage/ sacred acres of our beginnings what binds me/ are the incisions on our wrists/ panegyrics/ lyrics holding our […]

I carry my homeland 

wherever I go. It shows and scents on my clothes. 

Yesterday at the market, without telling her, a woman 

said to me “ìlú àwọn alfa loti wá (you come from 

the homeland of Mullahs).”

In the wake of dawn, the Muezzin’s voice pierces my sleep. I can feel God’s hands pressing on my chest to awaken me for prayer. Memory becomes reminisce as I wash my body, reminding me […]

Ma is unrehearsed mayhem:                 vendor of uppercut & jawbreaking kicks. attacks with both twins strapped to her back. infamous for pulling off wigs at                                                                                        the market place. she that volatile. though gentle, if a brawl […]

4chan / subreddits to connect the weirdragged-faced, trying to connect the beard fake news! — gave up trying to detect the botsat awkward dinners trying to connect with Pops; or at instameets, trying to connect […]

here i am, in the arms of time,
thinking of caricatures of nothingness.

Search Sweet Country After Kojo Laing  We sleep in body vases. Animal beings in paper palaces Jamestown, Cantonment, Labone… Stars are stuffed animals; The sun brandishes its old teeth. O lost country, dog country, Rivers […]

and it is true, to touch water this consciously
is to be touched by a mother pulsing with the pulse of dreams that sank with paperboats