Dolapo Tajudeen

Dolapo Tajudeen, SWAN VI, is a young student, poet and essayist from Ilorin, Nigeria. He is a graduate of Science laboratory Technology from the Lagos State polytechnic, Nigeria. His works are largely about Memory, The gap of years and family, but cuts across many other themes. If he is not writing, he is in awe of paintings or photography or nature. He is the runner-up for the 2021 YMCA poets in Lagos. His works are published or forthcoming in Libretto Magazine, A Long House, Akéwì Magazine, Inkspired NG, Funminiyi Anthologies and elsewhere. Find him on Twitter @dolapotajudeen3

In the wake of dawn, the Muezzin’s voice pierces my sleep. I can feel God’s hands pressing on my chest to awaken me for prayer. Memory becomes reminisce as I wash my body, reminding me […]