Adesiyan Oluwapelumi

Adesiyan Oluwapelumi, TPC XI, is a medical student, poet, essayist & Assistant Editor of Fiery Scribe Review from Nigeria. Winner of the Team Booktu Poetry Contest (2024), Cheshire White Ribbon Day Contest(2022), NiMasa Cancer Awareness Poetry contest (2024) & Konya Shamsrumi Poetry Contest(2024), he & his works are featured in 20.35, Isele Magazine, Fantasy Magazine, Poet Lore, Tab Journal, Poetry Wales, Variant Literature & elsewhere. An Adroit Journal Summer Mentee & SprinNG Writers’ Fellow, his works were selected for inclusion in the Annual Outstanding Young Writers Anthology(Paper Crane, 2023). He tweets @ademindpoems

I burn my father’s prayers in a heap of hemp, & marijuana. I, vagabond because the wind will not leave me. The road ahead is a forbidden way leading to a discotheque for lost boys. […]