Audrey Shipp

Born in Los Angeles, Audrey Shipp is an essayist and sometime poet whose most recent writing has been published in Sapphire Hues, Another Chicago Magazine, Pure Slush, Litro Magazine USA, A Gathering Together, and Linden Avenue Literary Journal. Her bilingual poetry appeared in the Americas Review (Arte-Publico Press), which was formerly published by the University of Houston. She holds both a BA in English and M.Ed from UCLA and an MA in English from California State University, Los Angeles. She teaches English and ESL at a public high school in Los Angeles.

“But back to the schools—no ship jumping, no wading in the waters of the Atlantic would forestall the westernisation of the school system. I didn’t see myself in the reading primers in elementary school that stated, “See Jane run.” I wasn’t Jane. I needed an escape route, and in Los Angeles, the waters of the Atlantic could not be my salvation.”